Atlantic provinces form clinical trials network

SAN DIEGO (GNB) - New Brunswick is joining its regional counterparts in creating the Atlantic Clinical Trials Network, which aims to boost research and innovation, create new health-care opportunities, and position the region as a world leader in clinical trials....

Cleanliness – May 2022

HospitalsNHS/first audit scores Emergency DepartmentVisual AuditsEmergency Dept. May 2022NHS/first audit scores Patient Care UnitVisual AuditsPatient Care Units May 2022TMH55.3%95%70%91%SJRH87.3%99%63%96%DECRH68.3%88%78.8%95%URVH87%97%85%95%MRH65%92%70%96% Legend TMH: The Moncton Hospital SJRH: Saint John Regional Hospital DECRH: Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital URVH: Upper River Valley Hospital...

Horizon honours smudging ceremonies in its facilities

HORIZON – Horizon’s Smudging Policy was implemented almost six months ago, and since then staff have been facilitating smudging ceremonies at the request of patients and their families. A smudging ceremony is where traditional medicinal plants are burned, and the...

Community notice – Moncton area 

It has been brought to our attention that an individual is approaching Moncton area health community offices, companies and individuals identifying himself as having a partnership with Horizon’s The Moncton Hospital regarding the promotion of reusable tote bags. Please be...