Cleanliness – May 2024

HospitalsNHS/first audit scores Emergency DepartmentVisual AuditsEmergency Dept. May 2024NHS/first audit scores Patient Care UnitVisual AuditsPatient Care Units May 2024TMH96%91%92%94%SJRH92%99%94%92%DECRH97%99%96%96%URVH96%98%97%94%MRH88%89%91%96% Legend TMH: The Moncton Hospital SJRH: Saint John Regional Hospital DECRH: Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital URVH: Upper River Valley Hospital...

Asian Heritage Month

Zeqi Tell us about yourself. Where did you grow up and go to school? I was born in a small town in China where my entire family worked at the same factory. Growing up in this close-knit community, where almost...