
The Board of Directors of Horizon Health Network meets quarterly at locations throughout Horizon. Meetings are open to all staff, public and members of the media. Simultaneous translation is provided.

The annual meeting is held in June at a time and place determined by the Board.

The following is a list of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors. Specific locations are advertised in all local newspapers 2 weeks in advance of each meeting.

Upcoming Public Meetings

Upcoming Closed (In-Camera) Meetings*

*All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, except a meeting or part of a meeting may be held in private if the Board is of the opinion that the discussion would:

  1. Reveal information specific to an identifiable individual;
  2. Reveal information relating to risk management or patient care issues;
  3. Prejudice any security measures undertaken by the RHA; or
  4. Compromise the RHA’s effectiveness in carrying out its duties and responsibilities.

Past Meetings

Public Consultation

In compliance with the Regional Health Authorities Act, the Board strives to build and maintain strong and effective relationships with its communities through open public Board meetings on matters relating to the general governance and operations of Horizon Health Network (Horizon).

Information about how to participate at a Horizon Board meeting is available in this guide:

How to Participate at Board Meetings

Meeting agendas and approved public Board minutes are available to the public on our website.

Yes, Board meetings are held in public except when, as set out in the Regional Health Authorities Act, they would reveal confidential and personal information.

Yes, a question period of 10 minutes is provided at the end of each public board meeting for members of the public. Each person asking a question identifies themselves and who they represent.

Yes, scheduled presentations from members of the public can be made during a presentation period at each Board meeting.

Persons or groups, requesting to make a presentation, submit their request in writing at least 30 days in advance of the meeting

Presenters should plan for 20 minutes, including questions, to make their presentation to the Board.