Public Engagement

Horizon Health Network supports clinical investigators in over 500 research studies every year. Our mandate is to encourage new research projects, support ongoing research, develop partnerships and foster research within our various programs.

We recognize how important it is to engage the public in the research conducted at Horizon, to get research results into clinical practice as soon as possible. There are many ways you can be involved in research – from participating in the latest clinical trial, to collaborating with a research team in developing and conducting a new study.

A Cure is on the Horizon Research Registry

…be part of the discovery!

By joining this registry, you will be supporting us in our quest to discover new knowledge. Becoming part of the research registry allows you to inform us of your research interests. The information you provide is entered in a secure database at Horizon. A member of the Research Services team will contact you when opportunities arise that match your indicated area(s) of research interest.

This registry is completely voluntary and you can choose to remove your information at any time.



It Starts With Me is a website created by N2 – Network of Networks, an independent, not-for-profit association of Canadian research networks and organizations. Horizon Health Network has been a member of N2 since 2017.

This website has more information about how clinical trials work, including patients’ and caregivers’ frequently asked questions about clinical trials, and suggested questions you can ask your doctor if you are thinking of participating in research.

You can also learn more about participating in clinical trials by contacting our office, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.