A Cure is on the Horizon Horizon Health Network (Horizon) recognize the importance of patient engagement in research beyond the scope of research participants. A Cure is on the Horizon is a patient registry that contains a database of individuals who have lived experience utilizing our healthcare system, and who would like to be involved in research in some capacity. We are inviting you to become a part of the “Cure is on the Horizon” Research Registry. As a member, you will tell us how you would like to be involved in research, what research topics interest you, and the best way to be contacted. From there, we will send you invitations when a research opportunity matches your indicated areas of interest. You can choose to be involved in research in one, or all the following ways: As a patient or public research partner As a patient or public participant To learn more about research projects happening in New Brunswick (i.e., through newsletters) We want to ensure that anyone living in New Brunswick can take part in research and learn about health research projects currently being conducted throughout the province. Patients and members of the general public As a public partner, or participant, you are part of the research team. You can be involved in the research decision making process. This type of participation is more of a time commitment but is important to research and assists our healthcare system to ensure that what we are focusing on what is important to patients and New Brunswick communities. Complete the Form Researchers We want to encourage more research teams in New Brunswick to use our registry to increase the engagement of patients. Researchers, please contact the Maritime SPOR Support Unit (MSSU) team to be connected with patients on the registry. SUbmit request If you have any questions, please email Sarah.Bridges@HorizonNB.ca FAQs What is the difference between a participant and a patient partner? Participants would be considered the ‘traditional’ way to take part in research, where you may assist in answering survey questions, be interviewed, receive treatment or therapy of some type, etc. In this case, the research team would use your non-personal information to try and answer their research question. This type of participation is important to the improvements made in our healthcare system and to continue to further advance medical knowledge. Partners are part of the research team. This type of participation is more of a time commitment but is important to research and assists our healthcare system to ensure that what we are focusing on what is important to patients. This can include offering a level of expertise in a lived experience to inform research questions, survey development, data collection methods, and knowledge translation activities. What is the difference between a researcher and a research team? Researchers are individuals trained to conduct research projects. While a Research Team is a group of individuals who work closely together to carry out a research study and properly gather data. What is a research registry? A research registry is a database that links individuals interested in participating in research with researchers/research institutions conducting studies. Who has access to my information? Only Horizon Health Network − Maritime SPOR Support Unit (MSSU) staff members have access to participant information. All patient information is kept in a secure database and participants can choose to remove their information at any time. Are all research studies considered clinical trials? Not all studies currently being conducted at Research Services − Horizon Health Network (Horizon) are considered clinical trials. For additional information on clinical trials, please visit It Starts With Me. Does ‘A Cure is on the Horizon’ registry connect patients to clinical trials? No, for more information about clinical trials, please refer to Find a Clinical Trial at Horizon − Horizon Health Network (HorizonNB.ca) You can also learn about clinical trials at It Starts With Me, a website created by N2 – Network of Networks, an independent, not-for-profit association of Canadian research networks and organizations.