Your Hospital Stay

You should bring:

  • current Medicare card
  • proof of any other medical insurance (this is helpful to determine room accommodation coverage, where applicable).
  • medications – bring all the medications you are taking regularly at home, including over-the-counter and herbal medications, and a list of medications to which you are allergic or sensitive Note: You should not take your own medications while a patient in hospital without the knowledge and consent of your doctor and nursing staff.
  • toiletry articles/health aids from home including:
    • facial tissues
    • soap, shampoo
    • toothbrush, toothpaste
    • brush, comb
    • shaving articles (battery-operated electric razors allowed, except in Intensive Care Units)
    • deodorant
    • if you wear dentures, a denture cup or a suitable plastic container with a lid
    • if you wear eyeglasses, or a hearing aid, bring them with you as well as a container for storage
  • clothing – storage space is limited, so please bring as few items as possible:
    • pajamas
    • underclothing
    • slippers
    • housecoat

You are welcome to bring your own pillow and an extra blanket. You may also wish to bring:

  • a clock
  • pen and paper
  • reading material
  • clothing to wear home

What you should not bring to the hospital

  • Do not bring valuables such as jewelry or money.
  • Do not wear or bring scented products with you.
  • Do not bring hair dryer, electric shaver, or other electrical appliances (If you need assistance shaving, ask your nurse or another patient care staff member.)


You should not bring a large amount of money, jewelry, or expensive clothing with you to the hospital. We suggest that no more than $20 be kept at your bedside.

For your convenience, ATM machines are available at most hospitals.

Horizon’s hospitals and health care facilities assume no responsibility for loss or damage to your personal property. Any valuables you must bring with you should be sent home with a relative or friend. If this is not possible, ask staff about safe storage.

Other services available to you

Spiritual and Religious Care and Indigenous Health services are available to you during your stay.