Speech Language Pathology

Who we are

Speech-Language Pathologists at Horizon Health Network work with children from birth to school entry and adults. Speech-Language Pathology services for students in school are provided by local school districts. Please reach out to your child’s school for more information.

Reasons to visit a speech-language pathologist

If your child is:

  • Not speaking by the age of 18 months – click here for more details.
  • Hard to understand – click here for more details
  • Not following directions or answering questions – click here for more details
  • Having difficulty feeding (baby), eating, or swallowing food/ liquid – click here for more details
  • Stuttering (getting stuck when speaking or repeating parts of words, whole words, or sentences) – click here for more details
  • A hoarse or raspy voice

If you are an adult and you:

  • Have difficulty swallowing
  • Choke or cough when eating or drinking
  • Have voice concerns – click here for more details
  • Experience difficulty speaking or understanding conversations
  • Stutter

Did you know?

  • Early language abilities are directly related to later reading abilities
  • At least 30% of people suffer loss of language (aphasia) after a stroke
  • 85% of people with Parkinson’s disease have voice, speech, and/or swallowing difficulties
  • Every $1 spent on early childhood health and development saves up to $9 in future health, social, and justice services. Return on investment (ROI) = 800%

Helpful Resources for Patients and Families

Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC)

SAC is the national organization supporting and representing speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and communication health assistants.

New Brunswick Association of Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists (NBASLPA)

NBASLPA is the regulatory body for speech-language pathology and audiology in New Brunswick. Here you can find information on accessing private practice. To work as a speech-language pathologist in NB you must be a registered member of NBASLPA.

Learning Disabilities Association of New Brunswick (LDANB)

LDANB is a resource for families and individuals with learning disabilities.

Talk with Me Program/Programme Parle-moi

Want to know more about early childhood speech & language development? Visit our partner in early speech and language for more information:

Miramichi/Kent County – Talk With Me-Miramichi/Kent

Restigouche Area –Talk With Me-Restigouche

Bathurst/Chaleur Area –Talk With Me-Bathurst/Chaleur

St. Stephen to Sussex –https://www.facebook.com/TalkWithMeASDS

Greater Moncton Area – https://www.facebook.com/TalkWithMeAnglophoneEast/

Fredericton/Oromocto Area –https://www.facebook.com/groups/125821814129253/

Upper River Valley Area –http://www.facebook.com/TWMwoodstock

North-East Area (in French) –https://www.facebook.com/Parlemoidsfne

North-West Area (in French) – https://www.facebook.com/ParlemoiDSFNO

South Area (FRENCH) (in French) – https://www.facebook.com/ParleMoiSud/

Family & Childhood Education

FACE provides early intervention services, working together with community partners.

VIVA Therapeutic Services : VIVA Therapeutic Services (vivanb.ca)

Formerly known as Autism Intervention Services, VIVA provides autistic pre-school-aged children with individualized services to meet the needs of the family and the child.

The Hanen Centre | Facebook

A Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for parents and professionals with resources and information on developing language, literacy and social skills.

Early Years Navigators

Available to guide parents and caregivers of young children to New Brunswick community resources to support children’s early learning and development.

Interested in becoming a speech-language pathologist

SAC (Speech-Language & Audiology Canada) provides useful information for anyone considering the profession of speech-language pathology.

Vitalité | Francophone leader serving its communities (vitalitenb.ca)

Horizon’s partner in care for New Brunswickers. Depending on your community, speech-language pathology services may be offered by Vitalité Health Network

How to Contact Us

  • If you are interested in information on other services, within therapeutics (e.g., Audiology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Clinical Nutrition) please click here.

Horizon locations offering this service:

Facility Name Address Phone
Woodbridge Centre (Fredericton) 180 Woodbridge Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 4R3
Oromocto Public Hospital 103 Winnebago St., Oromocto, New Brunswick, E2V 1C6 506-357-4700
Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (Fredericton) 700 Priestman St. , PO Box 9000, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 3B7 506-452-5400

Facility Name Address Phone
Miramichi Regional Hospital 500 Water St., Miramichi, New Brunswick, E1V 3G5 506-623-3000
Neguac Health Centre 38 Otho St., Neguac, New Brunswick, E9G 4H3 506-776-3876

Facility Name Address Phone
Sackville Memorial Hospital 8 Main St., Sackville, New Brunswick, E4L 4A3 506-364-4100
The Moncton Hospital 135 MacBeath Ave., Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 6Z8 506-857-5111

Facility Name Address Phone
St. Joseph's Hospital (Saint John) 130 Bayard Dr., Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 3L6 506-632-5555
Saint John Regional Hospital 400 University Ave., Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 4L2 506-648-6000
Charlotte County Hospital (St. Stephen) 4 Garden St., St. Stephen, New Brunswick, E3L 2L9 506-465-4444
Sussex Health Centre 75 Leonard Dr., Sussex, New Brunswick, E4E 2P7 506-432-3100

Facility Name Address Phone
Hotel-Dieu of St. Joseph (Perth-Andover) 10 Woodland Hill, Perth-Andover, New Brunswick, E7H 5H5 506-273-7100
Upper River Valley Hospital (Waterville) 11300 Route 130, Waterville, New Brunswick, E7P 0A4 506-375-5900
Tobique Valley Community Health Centre 120 Main St., Plaster Rock, New Brunswick, E7G 2E5 506-356-6600