“I have accomplished so much since I completed the GLA:D program”

Meet Joyce, a former participant of Horizon’s Good Life with Osteoarthritis in Denmark (GLA:D) program. After learning about it from a physiotherapist, Joyce attended the GLA:D program spring 2022.

“Everything has become easy — specifically, climbing the stairs, walking, gardening, mowing and snow-blowing my yard,” she said. “Even simple things like getting dressed, doing household chores, getting in and out of the car, and standing at my counter for long periods when cooking. I have accomplished so much since I completed the GLA:D program.”

Good Life with Osteoarthritis in Denmark (GLA:D) is a 6-week program that combines education and specific, targeted neuromuscular exercise for patients with osteoarthritis of the hips and/or knees. The program gives patients the knowledge and tools they need to manage their condition independently and live active lifestyles.

Her favourite part of the program was the support she received and the interaction with other participants.  “The education about arthritis, as well as the follow through from the staff, was excellent. I saw improvements in my condition every week, which was always very encouraging,” she said.

“I certainly will recommend this program to friends/family. However, my advice to others would be to have the willingness to commit to doing the exercises and putting the techniques into daily practice.”

This program is currently accepting patients. Those interested can visit our physiotherapy program page to self-refer.