Specialized care for people who identify as a sexual or gender minority (2SLGBTQIA+)

Horizon Health Network’s team members work with patients, clients, families and each other to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity. The acronym 2SLGBTQIA+ stands for two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual.

This section of our website provides safe and easy navigation through the sometimes confusing path in the health system to being your authentic self – a hub for 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and their families to find information, resources, and community connections in New Brunswick.

Horizon understands how difficult the path to becoming your true self is, and how different the path is for each person. Our goal is to provide the information needed to make this journey a bit easier.

We welcome your feedback. If you have concerns or compliments about your care, please contact our Patient Representative Services.

Available Services – Specialized care for people who identify as a sexual or gender minority (LGBTQ2S+)

The following are a list of services provided by Horizon and Vitalité Health Networks and our health partners in the communities we serve.

General Services and Programs

Specialists for Transgender Patient Care

Fredericton Area
Moncton Area
Saint John Area
Miramichi Area
Upper River Valley Area