(WATERVILLE) – Labour and birth services will be temporarily unavailable at Horizon’s Upper River Valley Hospital (URVH), starting at midnight on Sunday, November 17, 2024, to January 31, 2025.
All pregnant individuals who would normally deliver their babies at URVH will need to travel to Horizon’s Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (DECRH) in Fredericton.
“We know how important it is for families to welcome their babies close to home, surrounded by trusted, familiar health care providers. We are dedicated to strengthening labour and birth services at URVH as soon as possible to support our community,” said Margaret Melanson, Horizon’s President and CEO.
The reason for this change is due to unanticipated human resource issues to provide emergency caesarian sections (C-sections).
Even if a pregnant individual feels they are low-risk and do not require a C-section, they must still travel to the DECRH for labour and birth, as pregnancy-related issues and emergency situations can quickly arise during childbirth.
All individuals in the URVH service area who are 35 weeks pregnant and over have been contacted by nursing staff.
“We are committed to providing all pregnant New Brunswickers with safe, high-quality care,” said Dr. Ash McLellan, Medical Director, Fredericton and Upper River Valley area.
Horizon understands these changes may be concerning to families that are expecting. Please be assured that all pregnant individuals and their babies will receive safe and quality care at any Horizon facility.
Horizon recognizes the value of labour and birth services at the URVH for staff, physicians, patients, families, and the community, and recently conducted a community engagement process to inform future planning and decision making. You can read the report on Let’s Talk Horizon.
The obstetrical service at URVH serves up to 500 patients a year and supported 206 births and 40 emergency C-sections in 2023.
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