Change to Appointment Scheduling at Horizon’s Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital

(FREDERICTON) Effective February 15, Fredericton and Upper River Valley area patients will be contacted by the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital’s program areas directly to schedule appointments – a shift away from the current centralized scheduling system – making the process more efficient, streamlined, and aligned with other scheduling systems currently used across Horizon.

Patients are asked to contact Program areas directly should they need to cancel or reschedule existing appointments:

Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital

  • Orthopedic Clinic: 506-452-5402
  • Specimen Collection: 1-833-482-0774
  • Blood Pressure and Holter Monitoring and the Pulmonary Function Lab: 506-452-5945
  • ECG: 506-452-5088
  • Medical Imaging: 506-452-5999
  • Colposcopy: 506-474-4583
  • Gastrointestinal: 506-452-5100
  • 4 West Clinics: 506-452-5080

If the program you are trying to reach is missing from this list, please contact the hospital’s main switchboard at 506-452-5400.

The existing online, self-scheduling option for patients for specimen collection, blood work, and X-ray, will continue with additional self-scheduling options for ECG, breast screening and bone densitometry to be introduced in the coming months.

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For more information contact:

Maggie Estey
Media Relations