Provincial retinal surgery program established at Horizon’s Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital

From left: David Arbeau, executive director of Horizon Health Network’s Fredericton and Upper River Valley areas; Health Minister Bruce Fitch; Dr. Patricia Bryden, co-leader of surgical services for Horizon Health Network; Dr. Lachelle Noftall, Horizon Health Network’s head of ophthalmology.

(FREDERICTON) – Horizon Health Network is very pleased to announce that a provincial retinal surgery program will be established at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (DECRH) in Fredericton, representing a major enhancement to eye care access for New Brunswick residents.

Until now, New Brunswick had been the only province in Canada without a formal retina program, with an estimated 600 New Brunswickers travelling to either Quebec or Nova Scotia for treatment each year.

Funding to establish this provincial program, which will be available in both official languages, has been approved by government, with equipment currently being ordered and the first procedures set to begin before the end of 2024.

“Establishing a retinal surgery program at the DECRH represents a major step forward in providing improved access to sight-saving care for patients across New Brunswick,” said Dr. Patricia Bryden, Executive Regional Clinical/Academic Department Head, Co-Leader Surgical Services, Horizon Health Network. “By establishing this service in our province, we’re reducing barriers to care, aligning with Horizon’s ongoing commitment to improving access to critical health services.”

The retina is a small, complex layer of neural tissue that lines the inside of the eye and plays a crucial role in vision by converting light into the neurochemical signals that form images in our brains.

Retinal disorders such as diabetes-related complications, macular degeneration, retinal detachments, and others, if left untreated, can result in permanent blindness. Timely surgical intervention can restore vision and, in many cases, provide a lasting solution.

“We know retinal surgery can be life-changing for patients, including often restoring a person’s vision. The provincial program will provide this important service to New Brunswickers right here at home,” said Health Minister Bruce Fitch. “This is another example of how we are working together to improve access to health-care services. This will be the first location of a retinal surgery program in New Brunswick, and more locations may be considered.”

Dr. Vinicius Vanzan and Dr. Wei Wei Lee, both highly trained and experienced eye surgeons, will be delivering this service at the DECRH and their input, expertise and commitment to patients in this province was essential to helping establish this program.

Most procedures can be administered using local or intravenous (IV) sedation and will take place within existing OR space at the DECRH. The first retinal procedures will begin later this fall.

Treatment options for retinal issues can vary depending on severity and symptoms. Common treatments include laser treatment and cryotherapy (cold treatment).

Horizon has a plan to improve health care in New Brunswick. Our plan is focused on retention and recruitment efforts and improving the overall patient experience by addressing patient flow and access to services. Further details about Horizon’s four priority areas are available at This initiative also supports the Government of New Brunswick’s provincial health plan, Stabilizing Health Care: An Urgent Call to Action

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For more information contact:

Kris McDavid
Horizon Media Relations