Stéphanie Crapoulet

HRPP Regional Manager


Based in Moncton, Stéphanie is responsible for development, review and troubleshooting for the HRPP activity in Horizon. She does regulatory revision of research projects submitted to Romeo before REB submission, she has the mandate to develop/implement the HRPP SOP, HRA accreditation and Romeo management. 

Stéphanie has a master degree in Transmissible Diseases and Tropical Pathologies (Molecular Biology), Université de la Méditerranée Aix Marseille II (France). Her past experience in NB included developing research activities at the Atlantic Cancer Research institute for 9 years and Development and Managerial position at the CHU Dumont biobank for 7 years at the Vitalité Health Network. Stéphanie has more than 20 years of experience in research in France and in Canada.